If you keep going, you will see the truck near the checkpoint gate.

Try to kill him with a silenced pistol, because going at him with the knife is suicide. Keep going straight until you see another big rock. Get out your knife, creep up on him, and kill him. beyond the sheep, there is an enemy soldier. Its up to you to kill them or not, whatever floats your boat. Go between the rocks, you will see three sheep. I prefer Foley, because you can use him for both the sniping and this. On the mission "Victor Two", when you begin the mission, instead of going up the hill and sniping everyone, first over where your jeep is, there are two big rocks. and you can keep the rocket launchers for later). (Make sure your other guys have medic packs cuz the explosion might kill you) and TADA the tank is destroyed. then throw 2 of the guys smokes right at the tank and run until your right up against the tank and plant 2 C4s then throw the rest of your smokes and hide behind the underground thingy again. After you kill the soldiers throw a couple of smoke grenades so the tank cant see you (warning don't use the person with the C4s to throw the smokes) and use the person with the C4s and hide behind the underground thingy closest to the tank.

IN the chemical warfare level when there's a tank bring all your guys in the building just across from the door (THe rocket launchers wont kill this tank!!!) and take out all the soldiers with frag.