As part of my testing, I went back to F360, made absolutely no changes except for specifying mm as the units, generated the gcode, loaded it into Mach3, and Mach3 immediately went back to all the correct units without any other action on my part (no need to reset, rehome, anything). Instead, it seems to see the G20 while initially parsing the gcode as it loads, which promptly screws it up completely. In my innocence, I had assumed that Mach3 would see the "inch" command (G20), interpret all the dimensions/coordinates in the gcode and translate them internally into mm, and happily carry on. I load the gcode and Mach3 then converts the machine coords into inches but doesn't seem to handle the offset of the work coords correctly so the work zero is somewhere a long way from where it should be - in my case, so far out that when I tried to run the gcode (before I noticed this coordinate shift) it tripped the soft limit warning - fortunately. So, before loading gcode I have set work zero on a corner of my workpiece. Not only the default feedrate, but even machine coordinates. However, what seems to happen is that as soon as Mach3 loads (not runs, just loads) the gcode, it tries to switch everything to in from mm. Never mind, I thought, Mach3 should be able to cope with that. However, almost by accident, today I generated gcode that used inch units. Normally, I generate gcode with Fusion 360 or Vectric Vcarve using mm, and I have never seen any problems. My Mach3 setup is configured to use mm, so all units are in mm or mm/min or whatever. I have just seen some Mach3 behaviour which I did not expect, and I'm wondering if this is a bug or a misunderstanding on my part.